How To Make Turkish Coffee With And Without An Ibrik?
Are you tired of making the same traditional coffee everyday?
As simple as a common electric coffee maker is to use, sometimes maybe you want to try new things.
How about making Turkish coffee?
Don’t let the name fool you, “Turkish” does not mean a certain style of coffee bean.
It is a unique brewing method that originated in, you guessed it, Turkey!
Turkish coffee is usually made in a copper pot called an ibrik, also known as a cezve in other countries.
But here in North America, we just call it an ibrik (it is a lot easier to pronounce).
But what happens if you don’t have an ibrik?
Does that mean you can’t make Turkish coffee?
Don’t worry!
I’ll teach you everything you need to know about making coffee with and without an ibrik.
So let’s get started!
Related reading : Best Grinders For Turkish Coffee
Turkish Coffee With An Ibrik/Cezve
Equipment Needed:
- Coffee
- Good quality water
- Ibrik/Cezve
- Heat source
- Small coffee cup
- Sugar (optional)
What To Do :
Step 1:
If you are grinding your own beans, be sure to ground them very fine, almost like a powder.
Step 2:
Pour your grounds and water into the ibrik. You should use about 2.5 grams of coffee per ounce of water.
However, if you like stronger coffee, you can add more.
Make sure you don’t fill the ibrik all the way to the top. A full ibrik can result in a messy stove.
If you are adding sugar, this would be the time to do so.
After you add your preferred amount of sugar, stir it to mix it all together.
Place the ibrik on the heat source. The temperature controls how well the coffee steeps.
Many find the best results by starting with cold water.
Over a low flame, heat the coffee up to near-boiling.
Step 4:
Remove the ibrik from heat before it starts to boil over and allow it to cool down for about 20 seconds.
But don’t get excited just yet, there are still a few more steps.
Step 5:
Put it back on the heat!
Bring the coffee back up to the same near-boiling point once more and again, remove it from heat and allow to cool.
Some people prefer to do this a third time, but your preferences may vary.
Step 6:
Time to serve!
After pouring, wait about a minute to let the grounds sink to the bottom.
Now it is time to drink your creation, but not all the grounds remaining.
Turkish Coffee Without An Ibrik/Cezve
Equipment Needed:
- Coffee
- Good quality water
- Heat tolerant cup
- Heat source
- Spoon
- Sugar (optional)
What To Do
Step 1
For whole coffee beans, grind them to a very fine consistency, as you would if you were using an ibrik.
Step 2
Add your water to a cup that can tolerate extreme temperatures.
Most ibriks hold about 16 ounces so be sure your cup is 16 ounces or less.
Step 3
If you are using sugar, this would be the time to add it to your cup.
If not, go ahead and add your desired amount of finely ground coffee straight into the water.
Step 4
Use your spoon to stir the ingredients together. Make sure they are well mixed before continuing.
Step 5
Place the cup over medium heat. You should notice it start to foam.
When the foam looks close to spilling over, quickly remove the cup from heat and let it sit for a few seconds to ensure that the foam settles.
Personally, I avoid bringing it to a complete boil, as the oil extraction happens with heat just before the boil. I find that it enhances the flavor.
Step 6
Once the foam has settled, place it back over medium heat and repeat step 5.
Some people prefer to do this an additional time, but it is not required.
Step 7
Serving time!
Usually, Turkish coffee is served in smaller espresso cups.
But it can be enjoyed from any mug as long as the tradition is not a concern for you.
It’s recommended that once the coffee is poured, you should give it a minute and let the sediments settle to the bottom before you start drinking.
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As you can see, the process is almost exactly the same, except for the ibrik being used.
Have a cup that can withstand heat will be fine for you!
And personally, I suggest getting the cup that has the most foam, it usually tastes the best!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and don’t forget to share with your family and friends!
If you have any questions, comments, or tips of your own, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment!